Coaster Car Derby

Many may recall the antics of “The Little Rascals” with their homemade coaster cars. Although these cars are not homemade, they do provide a day of nostalgia and fun as we watch the young drivers race down E. Main from the Post Office to the front of the old city hall building. Our local police will be present, monitoring the speed of these racers. Registration, safety checks, and trial runs begin at 11 a.m. with actual racing beginning at 1 p.m. Local shops will be open, and a food truck will be present. Also, an additional feature will be a mini antique/unique car show to browse between races. The event is free to attend and to participate in (must be 7 years old), thanks to the generous sponsors. Due to rain it has been rescheduled for June 10th. Bring a comfy chair and come out!


Jun 10 2023


11:00 am - 3:00 pm




City of Wilmore

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